
Models DT-700
(Ten-key type)
(Full key type)
DT-750 DT-800
RAM 512Kbytes/1Mbyte 1Mbyte 2/6/10Mbytes
Display Touch pannel - Yes
Resolution 96 x 48 dots 160 x 160 dots
Type FSTN semi-transparent LCD
Backlight Yes Yes Yes
Character types Alpha-numeric, user defined characters
Scanner Scanning speed 100 times / second
Readable distance 0 to 380mm 0 to 400mm
bar code width
Direct Contact : 65mm(max.)
From 380mm : 250mm(max.)
Direct Contact : 55mm(max.)
From 380mm : 210mm(max.)
Direct Contact : 65mm(max.)
From 400mm : 250mm(max.)
Readable codes WPC, NW7, CODE39, ITF, CODE93, CODE128 WPC, NW7, CODE39, TIF, CODE93,
CODE128, EAN128
Resolution 0.15mm (min.)
High resolution - 0.125mm (min.)
Key No. of keys 25 (includeing scanning
trigger key)
32 (including scanning
trigger key)
26 (including scanning trigger keys) 28 (including scanning trigger keys)
Interface Serial interface Yes
150Kbps (between H/Ts units),
1200bps to 19.2Kbps
- Yes
1200bps to 115.2Kbps
3-pin interface - Yes
150Kbps (between DT-750 units),
1200bps to 38.4Kbps
CASIO original protocol
1200bps to 19.2Kbps
IrDA ver.1.0, CASIO original protocol
1200bps to 115.2(230)Kbps
(CASIO original protocol)



CPU SH7020 (32-bit RISC)
Memory DRAM 2 Mbytes
Display Touch-panel Yes
Resolution 160 x 160 dots
LCD type FSTN semi-transparent LCD
Backlight EL method (with auto-off function)
Character type Alphanumeric (ANK), user defined characters
Character size mode 12-dot / 16-dot / 24-dot
Scanner Scanning speed 100 times per second
Readable distance 0 to 380mm
Readable barcode width Direct contact;65mm (max.),
From 380mm;250mm (max.)
Readable codes WPC, NW7, CODE39, ITF, MSI,
Industrial 2 of 5, CODE93, CODE128, EAN128
Resolution 0.15mm (min.)
High Resolution 0.125mm (min.)
Key Number of keys 28

Numeral Keys 10
Function Keys 18
Interface RS-232C (10-pin) Yes (for connections with modem, P/C)

Baud rate 2,400bps to 115.2Kbps
Infrared Conforms to IrDA ver.1.0. Casio original protocol

Baud rate 9,600bps to 115.2(230)Kbps
( ):under Casio original protocol



Memory RAM (DRAM) 2 MB
F-ROM 4 or 8 MB
Display Touch panel Yes (material of polycarbonate)
Resolution (no. of dots) 160 x 160 dots
Type FSTN semi-transparent LCD
Backlight Yes
Scanner Scanning speed 100 times/second
Readable distance 0 to 380 mm
Resolution 0.125 mm
Readable bar code width Direct contact; 65 mm (max), From 380 mm; 250 mm (max.)
Readable codes WPC, NW7, UPC/EAN,CODE39, ITF, MSI, IT2OF5, CODE93, CODE128, EAN128
Interface Serial interface Yes
Communication speed 1200 bps to 115.2 Kbps
Infrared IrDA ver. 1.0 (Casio original protocol)
Communication speed 1200 bps to 115.2 Kbps (Casio original protocol)

Item DT-810M50RC DT-810M70RC
Processor 32-bit RISC CPU
Memory RAM(DRAM) 2MB
Display Touch panel Yes (material of polycarbonate)
Resolution (no.of dots) 160 x 160 dots
Type FSTN semi-transparent LCD
Backlight Yes (material of polycarbonate)
LED Status confirmation In 2 colors (green, red)
Scanner Scanning speed 100 times per second
Readable distance 0 to 380 mm
Resolution 0.125 mm
Readable bar code width Direct contact; 65mm (max.), From 380 mm; 250 mm (max.)
Readable codes WPC, NW7 UPC/EAN, CODE39, ITF, MSI, IT20F5, CODE93, CODE128, EAN128
Interface Infrared IrDA ver. 1.0 (CASIO original protocol)
Communication speed 1,200 bps to 115.2 (230) Kbps ( ):CASIO original protocol

General Guide


Memory RAM 2 MB (user area 1.3 MB)
F-ROM 8 MB (user area 5.9 MB)
Scanner Type Semi-conductor laser light
Readable distance Approx. 4 to 30 cm
Readable bar codes WPC, NW-7, ITF, Code39, Code93, Code128, MSI, IATA, Industrial 2 of 5
Resolution 0.127 mm
No. of scannings 100 times per second


  • IrDA 1.1 compatible (Maximum 4 Mbps)

    DT-900M60E DT-900M61E
    CPU 32-bit RISC CPU
    Memory RAM 2MB, F-ROM 8MB
    Scanner Method Semi-conductor laser
    Readable Barcode width Maximum 60mm (with the method of direct contact) Maximum 65mm (with the method of direct contact)
    Readable distance 0 to 300 mm (with the resolution of 1.0 mm) 0 to 380 mm (with the resolution of 1.0 mm)
    Resolution Minimum 0.15mm
    Readable barcodes WPC, NW-7, ITF, CODE39, CODE93, CODE128, MSI, IATA, Industrial 2 of 5, EAN128
    Scanning speed 100 times per second
    Other function Laser swing angle control
    Display No. of dots 128 x 64 dots
    Fonts ANK, Kanji
    (JIS levels 1st, 2nd, User-defined fonts x 128)
    Font sizes 6-dot, 8-dot, 10-dot modes
    No. of display fonts 210 in 6-dot mode (6x6 dots/font)
    105 in 6-dot mode (6x12 dots/font)
    128 in 8-dot mode (8x8 dots/font),
    64 in 8-dot mode (8x16 dots/font)
    72 in 10-dot mode (10x10 dots/font),
    36 in 10-dot mode (10x20 dots/font)
    Dot pitch 0.3 x 0.35mm
    Backlight Yes (EL method)
    Status LED One (in red and green)
    Input No. of keys 11 x Numeral key, 5 x Control key,
    8 x Programmable key
    Trigger key 2 (on right and left sides)
    Multiple functions key 2 (L and R keys)
    Interface Infrared IrDA ver1.2 Standard (Max. 115.2Kbps)
    Serial 14-pin

    General Guide


    CPU SH1 (32-bit RISC type)
    Memory RAM 4 MB (User area: Approx. 1.6 MB)
    F-ROM 16 MB (User area: Approx.12.5 MB)
    Display Type Monochrome FSTN LCD
    Resolution 128 x 64 dots
    Font size 6, 8, 10 dots
    No. of display fonts 210 in 6-dot mode (6x6 dots per font)
    105 in 6-dot mode (6x12 dots per font)
    128 in 8-dot mode (8x8 dots per font)
    64 in 8-dot mode (8x16 dots per font)
    72 in 10-dot mode (10x10 dots per font)
    36 in 10-dot mode (10x20 dots per font)
    Backlight LED
    Indicator 3-color (blue, green, red) LED


  • Bluetooth Version 1.2 compatible
  • IrDA 1.1 compatible (Maximum : 4 Mbps, up to 20cm)